Let's Collaborate
When you choose to collaborate with us, you're not only choosing a partner for your organization, you're embracing a legacy of Indigenous knowledge and cultural heritage. Our commitment to preserving the wisdom of our elders and sharing it with the world sets us apart.
Types of Training and Work with Communities
At the heart of our work and Indigenous practice is relationship. We are available to work together with your team both virtually and face-to-face to provide opportunities to learn and grow in areas such as:
Cultural Humility Training
Our cultural training is founded on the principle of building relationships and learning from each other to create spaces that are welcoming and honouring to Indigenous and other diverse communities. We provide participants and organisations with the opportunity to build on their strengths to focus on health and wellness of the whole person.
Creating a Culture of Self-care
In our training sessions on self-care, we acknowledge that current and historic violence has impacted all of us. We understand that unless you are taking care of yourself, you are unable to truly care for the people you are serving. Responding to the needs of your organisation and/or community, we work with you to identify and cultivate self-care practices to move your organisation into greater health and wellness.
Health and Wellness Events/Retreats
Drawing from the needs of your organisation, we bring together health and healing practitioners working from a wholistic perspective, and connect them to Indigenous healing practices. These sessions include Indigenous wellness practice and medicines and can be combined with multi-cultural integrative health and wellness practices such as yoga, aromatherapy, breathwork, and sound healing. These events can be tailored for your group’s needs.
Environmental Care and Stewardship
A relationship with the land is central to Indigenous knowledge and practice. As humans, we are the original caretakers of the earth and this land, but a history of unhealthy practices has damaged that relationship. We need to re-learn how to become caretakers and stewards of the land that we, and our ancestors have benefitted from. Sessions can involve taking first steps towards repairing the broken relationship, to learning about the way that we can heal ourselves and our world through restorative environmental practices. These sessions are great for mixed age groups and can be experiential in nature.